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*Consultations Available By Appointment Only


Hilda Luz Chavez, ND

Traditional Naturopath


Phone: (915) 204-5440



NMMCP Consulting has opened our new office in the Mesquite Historic District in Las Cruces!

To best serve our patients, we have relocated to a larger location in the Mesquite Historic District. We are pleased to join this vibrant neighborhood in the heart of downtown Las Cruces.

Signature Mills and the Integrity of the NM Medical Cannabis Program 

The New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program was founded over 10 years ago, and was nearly 20 years in the making. The significant and tireless contributions of physicians such as Dr. Eve Elting and Dr. Edwin Kennedy, among others dedicated to safe access for patients, culminated in 2007 with SB 523: The Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act.  Its purpose, as stated, is "to allow the beneficial use of medical cannabis in a regulated system for alleviating symptoms caused by debilitating medical conditions and their medical treatments."

It is vital to honor the program advocates and founders, and the thousands of hours of work and governmental/medical infrastructure that sustains the program.

Recently, "signature mills" have been cropping up around our area, promising medical cards for a short consultation with a traveling medical provider and a $50-100 cost. Unfortunately for potential patients, some may be denied by the NMDOH due to missing medical paperwork and other unmet qualifications. This results in a financial loss as well as lack of medical cannabis certification for many vulnerable individuals. In addition, it undermines the procedures in place to ensure the program continues under current and future state government leadership.


NMMCP Consulting urges patients to contact us, rather than pursue signature mill events. We are happy to offer guidance and a detail-oriented approach to applying for your medical cannabis card. Further, we offer ongoing, continued support and resources after a patient successfully qualifies for the program. 

You may also contact NMMCP Consulting directly using the form below: 

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